Voted #1 Dog Training Company in San Diego

Keep your dog from chewing on everything in your home

Most dogs chew because they are bored. In order to fix the chewing, we have to fix the boredom. The dog should have his current exercise program increased by at least 30 minutes and make sure his toys are being rotated so he doesn’t get bored of the toys he has...

How becoming a dog trainer has changed my life

People ask me all the time about my career as a dog trainer; “You are so lucky that you get to play with puppies all day!” “You get to be outside and around animals? How amazing!” “You must meet so many adorable dogs!” Yes, I am lucky, VERY lucky. Being outside in the...

Getting dogs to stop pulling on their leash

Learning how to walk properly on leash will not only help to teach your dog good manners but it will save you from a sore back and arms! Equipment-Before you get started, you want to make sure that your have the right equipment. Any dog that weighs less than 30 pounds...

How to prepare your dog for moving

Moving to a new place can be nerve-racking for your pooch because he is suddenly in a different environment with new smells, sounds, and people. However, a few simple tricks will help him settle into his new home quickly! Moving Day-The day the moving truck come is...

Teaching your dog to trust you

It is extremely important to teach your puppy that you can handle and restrain him. This will not only prevent problem behaviors, like not allowing you to clip their nails, but it also teaches your puppy to trust you. All responsible family members should practice...

Preparing your dog for the dog park

Dog parks can be a great way to socialize and exercise your dog but they can also be extremely dangerous since dog fights are common. To help minimize your risk and increase the enjoyment of the neighborhood dog park, follow the steps below. Most importantly, make...