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Training Tips

Handy tips for you and your dog

3 Most Independent Dog Breeds, According To A Canine Behaviorist

3 Most Independent Dog Breeds, According To A Canine Behaviorist

Welcoming a new dog into your life is a huge commitment. If you're a busy family that's constantly on the go, you might want to make sure that any pup you bring home is OK with hanging out solo at times. Choosing an independent dog breed could increase the...

The 3 Smartest Dog Breeds, According to a Dog Behaviorist

The 3 Smartest Dog Breeds, According to a Dog Behaviorist

Adding a dog to your family can bring you lots of joy, but it also comes with a ton of hard work. Training a pup is a big job, but it's one that might get a little easier if your new fur baby comes from one of the smartest dog breeds. Read more at

10 Tips for Stress-Free Travel with Your Dog!

10 Tips for Stress-Free Travel with Your Dog!

Bringing your dog on your summer vacation? Want him to enjoy it as much as you do? Here are ten travel tips for stress-free travel with your pup! Read More at Smart Animal Training

How to Introduce Your Dog to Your Baby: Myth vs. Reality

How to Introduce Your Dog to Your Baby: Myth vs. Reality

You’ve mastered pet parenting, but now it’s time for the human kind. Your little bundle of joy is on the way, and you might be worried about how your dog or dogs will react. We’re separating myth from reality with California trainer and founder of Pawtopia Dog...

Finding the right dog trainer

What many people don’t know is that anyone can call themselves a dog trainer or behaviorist because there is no government regulated national school or certification. Many organizations provide certification that sounds official but these “titles” are only as good as...

How to exercise with your dog

If you are a dog owner into fitness and health, you know that your fury friend can be costly. In fact, over a 13 year lifespan, adding in various expenses, your animal will cost you between $20,000 - $80,000 depending on the size. Much of that money is invested into...

How to keep your dog from barking in the backyard

The first step in alleviating the barking is to make sure your dog is properly exercised and entertained. Many people assume that because a dog is in a backyard, it means he will exercise himself or find productive things to do with his time. This isn’t the case. Even...

Keeping your dog from begging for table scraps

Start by discouraging others from feeding him from the table. It not only reinforces his behavior but some human food can actually be dangerous for pups. Even if you are giving him meat, the butter, oil and spices we often use during cooking can upset his stomach....

Keep your dog from chewing on everything in your home

Most dogs chew because they are bored. In order to fix the chewing, we have to fix the boredom. The dog should have his current exercise program increased by at least 30 minutes and make sure his toys are being rotated so he doesn't get bored of the toys he has and...

How becoming a dog trainer has changed my life

People ask me all the time about my career as a dog trainer; “You are so lucky that you get to play with puppies all day!” “You get to be outside and around animals? How amazing!” “You must meet so many adorable dogs!” Yes, I am lucky, VERY lucky. Being outside in the...

Getting dogs to stop pulling on their leash

Learning how to walk properly on leash will not only help to teach your dog good manners but it will save you from a sore back and arms! Equipment-Before you get started, you want to make sure that your have the right equipment. Any dog that weighs less than 30 pounds...

How to prepare your dog for moving

Moving to a new place can be nerve-racking for your pooch because he is suddenly in a different environment with new smells, sounds, and people. However, a few simple tricks will help him settle into his new home quickly! Moving Day-The day the moving truck come is...

Teaching your dog to trust you

It is extremely important to teach your puppy that you can handle and restrain him. This will not only prevent problem behaviors, like not allowing you to clip their nails, but it also teaches your puppy to trust you. All responsible family members should practice...

Preparing your dog for the dog park

Dog parks can be a great way to socialize and exercise your dog but they can also be extremely dangerous since dog fights are common. To help minimize your risk and increase the enjoyment of the neighborhood dog park, follow the steps below. Most importantly, make...

Flying with your dog

Summer vacation is here and now, many airlines will allow you to take your small pup with you on the plane. To make sure this trip is successful for everyone, follow these tips: Check Ahead- Each airline has different requirements for pet travel from what sort of...

How to housebreak an older dog

The first and most important thing you should teach your new pup is where he should go when he has to potty. Remember that, even if a pup is housebroken, it doesn’t mean he knows where to go at your house or how to get his potty routine in line with your schedule. To...

Keeping your dog from biting

For many dog lovers, it may be hard to face the fact that each year more than 4.5 million people in the U.S. are bitten by dogs. Although a dog may be man’s best friend, every animal is capable of biting when feeling threatened or provoked. Canines are everywhere in...

Crate training your dog

I just adopted my new beagle, Beau. I want to crate train him. Is that the right thing to do? How do I do it? Many people object to using crates because they think it is unfair to their dog. However dogs, by nature, LOVE small spaces that they can call their own....

Taking your dog on spring break

Your dog needs to get ready for his trip just like the family does. Updated ID- Check your pets ID tags and Microchip information to ensure they are updated with a current cell phone number. Also, add a second tag that has the address and phone number of where you...

Health benefits provided by dogs

Im so sorry for your loss but I am glad you are encouraging your Aunt to get a furry companion. Dogs provide many benefits for their 2 legged owners. Among these benefits are: Happy Body--Numerous studies by the CDC and National Institute of Health have shown that pet...

Stop Dog Jumping Behavior

Dogs jump to get attention and most of the time it works great!. It’s hard to ignore a dog when he is knocking you over! However, we can teach him more appropriate ways to get attention with a few simple tricks. Make sure everyone ignores the dog when they first get...

What is the elevator etiquette for dogs?

As metropolitan dwellers, we know that the usage of elevators is non negotiable. Here are a few ways you can ensure the safety of your pet and the comfort of those around you when embarking on one of the many vertical voyages in your day. When waiting for the elevator...

Getting your dog to potty in the rain

Dogs in San Diego are as spoiled by the goods weather as we are so when it rains getting them to go potty outside can be a battle that may end up with them peeing inside the house. Here are 5 tips to make those rainy days not so stressful and wet for you, your pup,...

Introducing dogs to each other

First impressions can be lasting so getting you and your neighbor’s dog off on the right paw is critical. To help this happen: Make sure that both dogs have plenty of exercise before they meet. This will make sure that they have burned off all excess energy. Put both...

The difference between a Service Dog and a Therapy dog

A lot of people get service dogs and therapy dogs confused. Service dogs are individually trained to do work for or perform specific tasks for people with disabilities as defined by the American Disabilities Act. Service dogs have full public access and are allowed on...

6 tips for socializing a new puppy

It's a big, loud, exciting world out there for puppies. So it's never too early to start working with your puppy so he grows up well adjusted, good natured, and gracious in social situations. Here are six basics for socializing your puppy... 30 experiences in 30 days....

Tips for keeping your dog safe around the water in the summer

Heading off to the beach, lake or lounging poolside are great ways to beat the heat and enjoy quality time with your dog. But each year approximately 40,000 pets die in drowning accidents.  Anything that can harm you at the beach can also harm your dog. High...

Preparing your dog for doggy day care

Doggy day care can provide a great outlet for a pup’s excess energy as well as give her the opportunity with other like minded canines. To help your pup succeed follows these tips: Play It Cool- It will be thrilling to see your pup at the end of the day but remember...

Symptoms your dog may be stressed

Dogs communicate constantly with us and each other but most of the times we miss what they are saying. Below are examples of behavior a dog shows when they are uncomfortable. None of these signals happen in a vacuum so you must look at the rest of the dog (body...

How to teach your do to come when you call

“Come” is the hardest command to teach a dog and the easiest to ruin. So PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRATICE! Before you start training, ask yourself, if you told your dog to Come, how often would he respond the FIRST time? If his success rate is less than 65% then change the...

Making sure interactions with other dogs on leashes are good

Meeting other dogs on leash is a common occurrence when out on a walk with your pup. By following the tips below you can ensure that every dog interaction is a good one! Manners Matter- Before you let your dog approach any other dog on leash ask the owner if their dog...

Keeping a smart dog from getting bored

Having a smart dog has endless benefits. He keeps you entertained with his endless creative tactics. He amazes you with the things he does. However, if he has to be home alone for hours while you work, that intelligence can quickly lead to boredom which can cause...

Making sure your dog has fun on Halloween

Halloween is our favorite time of year but we want to make sure our dog likes it too. Any tips? Halloween is just around the corner and although all of the ghosts and goblins can be fun for kids and adults alike, Fido may have a different perspective! Below are 5 tips...

Teaching your dog to not nip at people when it’s scared

This is a relatively common issue for dogs just coming out of rescue. How you address the issue in the first 8 weeks the dog is with you will determine if the nipping becomes a lifelong issue or just a passing fad. Know what your dog is saying- if your dog is yawning,...

Helping a new dog adjust to your home

Your new family member will bring you laughter and love but how you introduce your dog to your house and your life will make a huge difference between success and STRESS! Go Slow-You know your dog has found his forever home but he has no idea who you are or how long...

How to keep your dog safe on July 4th

Even though July 4th is a fun day for us humans, it is a scary holiday for most pups. To help keep your dog safe and happy, follow these 5 tips. Up to Date: July 4th is the biggest day of the year where dogs run away because they are spooked by the fireworks.  In...

How to deal with separation anxiety

Separation Anxiety can be very frustrating for new owners of rescue dogs since a dog with SA will often whine, dig, bark, excessively salivate, cause destruction (like scratching at doors, chewing through crates), and/ or  pee and poop in the house when the owner...

Is taking a new rescue dog to the dog park a good idea?

I know you want to show your new pup a good time but remember that he is just getting to know you so taking him to a dog park or any other active public area isn’t a good idea since, if he gets scared or nervous, he won’t know that he should trust or listen to your...

Choosing the right collar for your dog

There are many different things to consider when picking a collar. But remember, that no matter which you chose, there is no “quick fix” in training and that your dog will also need lots of treats, praise, and guidance to become the good dog you are looking for. Flat...

Using treats to train your dog

Treats are a great motivator for your pup and should be used throughout training! A high quality, tasty treat works best. You want a treat that your dog absolutely loves since that will give him the motivation to learn new commands. Soft treats work best since they...

Making sure your dog enjoys the holidays

There are many things you can do to make sure Fido has a festive and happy holiday season. A potato chip here, some mashed potatoes there, and just one more spoonful of stuffing because it’s a holiday and Fido likes it so much! All of these table snacks may seem...

Keeping your dog safe during an emergency or natural disaster

So many people don’t even think about having an emergency evacuation plan for their pup until it’s too late. Below are things you can do NOW so you are ready when (not if) the next emergency situation happens. Have a crate with an extra leash, collar, bowls, toys,...

Starting a safe exercise program with your dog

Active dogs are happy dogs but it’s our job to make sure our four legged exercise companions stay healthy and injury free as they start to get in shape. First, make sure your dog is old enough to start an exercise program that includes jogging or intense...

Three tips to make your training more effective

Congrats on your new pup! Below are the top 3 tips to make your training more effective since HOW you train is more important than how long you spend training. Praise the victories The most important step in training a well behaved dog is to praise the small...

5 Tips to help your dog not be afraid of new things

It is normal for dogs to be scared of new things but how you deal with the fear will make the difference between a well adjusted dog and a dog who is scared of his own shadow. Follow these 5 tips to help your dog bravely face the big world outside the front door. When...

Introducing Fido to the Rest of the Pack

Bringing home the new family member is an exciting day but it is critical to proper prepare your current canine friend to the new arrival. Start early Practice the obedience commands with your current dog. The new dog will likely look to your dog for guidance on what...

Early Play

Play is an important part of the puppy's life. Not only does it provide physical exercise for him but it can also be used as a training aid. When you play with your puppy you increase your bond with him and since you are the one setting the rules, it enhances your...

Tips for taking your dog out in public

It’s great to be able to take Fido to the local dog friendly restaurant or store. But to make sure the public and staff at these establishments love and enjoy your dog as much as you do, just follow a few simple rules. Before you go - Before you try to take your dog...

Becoming fluent in “dog talk”

Becoming fluent in “dog talk” is the most important thing you can do for your pup because it will prevent a life time full of misunderstandings. Often times, your pup is trying to tell you that he is STRESSED OUT! Because most owners don’t understand what he is...

How to prevent resource guarding

Resource guarding is a serious behavior where a dog will growl or bite to protect something they see as valuable. Most pups aren’t born with Resource Guarding but over time they learn that if they have something they want to keep (like their favorite bone or your...

In Praise of Adopting

As you start to look for you new furry friend, there are many reasons why you should consider adopting you next dog from the local shelter, Humane Society, or Rescue Group. Save a life! Close to 7 million wonderful pets are killed each year because they don't have a...

How to handle coming across a loose dog

I get this question a lot from my clients. Coming across a loose dog you can be a nerve racking experience. If you do find yourself in this scary situation: Have Faith. Most loose dogs are only curious and will not attack. STAY CALM!! If you get nervous, your dog will...

Early Handling

It is extremely important to teach your puppy that you can handle and restrain him. This will not only prevent problem behaviors –like not allowing you to clip their nails-but it also teaches your puppy to trust you. While practicing your puppy may struggle or try to...

Dog parks: Minimizing risk and increasing enjoyment

Most important!! Make sure your dog likes the dog park! Some dogs, like some people, would prefer to relax in their neighborhood instead of going to a crowded restaurant (or in your pup’s situation, a dog park) with a bunch of strangers! Make sure your dog is under...

House Breaking 101

Teaching a puppy not to go to the bathroom in the house is one of the most frustrating parts of puppy ownership. It is also very time consuming. However, if you are proactive and consistent during the first 4 weeks when you bring the puppy home, you will see a big...

Keeping your dog calm in new situations

Some dogs are nervous or frightened in new situations-some people are too! But how you handle this fear can make the difference between a well adjusted dog and a dog that is afraid of her own shadow. To help your dog with her fears do the following: Always be calm! Do...

How Dogs Learn 101

Dogs think in black and white. If something is okay it must always be okay and if something is not okay then it must never be allowed. For example, it is very hard for dogs to be allowed on the bed but not allowed on the couch. To them it is all furniture. As a...

Making your pup’s first days in your house happy and stress free

Bringing home the new family member is an exciting day. By following a few simple guidelines you can makes sure your new pup’s first days in your house are happy and stress free. Mind your Manners. If there is another dog in the house, start to practice his obedience...

Puppy Development

Just like children, puppies go through different developmental stages as they grow. It is important to understand these different periods in your puppy's life so that you can better understand his behavior and know what to expect from him. Neonatal: Birth to 12 days...

Preventing your dog from marking in an apartment or condo

Preventing your dog from lifting his leg and peeing in the wrong spot can be especially difficult when you live in an apartment or condo. But there are several things you can do to make sure you and your pup adjust to urban living with minimal stress and accidents. Be...

How much exercise does a new puppy need?

Play is an important part of the puppy's life. Not only does it give him an outlet for his puppy energy but it is increases your bond with him and since you are the one creating the proper games and setting the rules. Remember a tired puppy is a GOOD puppy. There...

Moving Day!

Moving to a new place can be nerve-racking for your pooch because he is suddenly in a different environment with new smells, sounds, and people. However, a few simple tricks will help him settle into his new home quickly! Moving day! Moving day can be stressful for...

How to get an overweight dog into better shape

Keeping your dog in shape is just as important to his health as keeping fit is important to yours! Overweight dogs are prone to health problems, joint deterioration, and shortened life span. To help prevent Fido from a growing waist line keep a few things in mind....

Preparing your dog for a new baby

Bringing home a new baby will turn life upside down for everyone, including your pup. Its best to start preparing your dog early for what life is going to be like with the new family addition. Make physical changes to the house as early as possible. Set up the crib,...

What to consider when looking for a new dog

My family and I are thinking about adopting a dog, but we don’t even know how to get started. What things should we consider as we look for our new family member? Are you ready? Most people are so excited to get a dog that they never stop to think about the true...

How to Pick a Dog Trainer

Anyone can call themselves a dog trainer or behaviorist. There is no national school or certification. As a result its important to be able to tell the difference between a professional dog trainer and one who just says s/he is a professional trainer. Things to look...

Oh no, it’s a loose dog!

When you are out walking your dog and you see another dog running loose, it can be a nerve-racking experience but it is important to remain calm. Most loose dogs are only curious and will not attack. Prevention is the best answer so avoid walking your dog in areas...


What type of treat do I use? A high quality, tasty treat works best. You want a treat that your dog absolutely loves since that will give him the motivation to learn new commands. The treat should be small. You do not want to give your dog a whole bone or a large...

Public Manners

It is fun to take your dog with you to the local pet store or out to lunch but the first time in public can be nerve racking for both you and the dog! To help make sure that the outing is enjoyable follow these tips: Before you try to take your puppy out to a public...

Helping your Fearful Dog

Some dogs are extremely nervous or frightened in new situations. How you handle this fear can make the difference between a well adjusted dog and a dog that is afraid of her own shadow. To help a do g w ith her fears do the following: Always be calm! Do not grab or...

Picking the Right Dog

Picking the right dog can be difficult but it is vitally important since you will be spending the next 10-15 years with your new canine friend. To help you make the right decision, consider the questions below: Are you ready? Most people are so excited to get a dog...


Many people object to using crates because they think it is cruel. However, we must respect our dog enough to look at it from their point of view. Dogs, by nature, LOVE small dark spaces that they can call their own. That is why many dogs happily sleep in their crate...

How to Find a Good Breeder

Finding a good breeder can be time consuming but it is VERY important. Many temperament and health issues can be prevented with proper breeding. Make sure to buy your puppy from a breeder who: Knows extensive information about the breed. The breeder should be able to...