As you start to look for you new furry friend, there are many reasons why you should consider adopting you next dog from the local shelter, Humane Society, or Rescue Group.
Save a life! Close to 7 million wonderful pets are killed each year because they don’t have a good home.
You will be matched with the right dog. The number one goal of the staff at Rescue Groups and Shelters is to make sure that you and your new dog are a good match. They will help you decide what type of dog you are looking for and will have extensive knowledge about the dogs in their care.
Don’t worry about baggage! Many people don’t want to adopt because they think the dogs is in the shelter are “bad”. This is simply not true. Most dogs are given to the shelter for reasons that have nothing to do with their behavior such as divorce, death, or their family being unable to care for them.
You CAN find a specific breed. If you have you heart set on a purebred dog do your research! Approximately 30% of dogs in shelters are purebred.
You know what you are getting! Unlike puppies that still need to grow up, you can adopt a dog that has already reached his adult size and his personality is fully developed. Plus, many rescues groups and shelters temperament test their dogs before they are adopted so you will know if your new pet likes other dogs, children or has any issues with food.
You have a head start on training. Many rescue groups and shelters have training programs or keep there dogs in foster homes until they are adopted. This means that your new friend will probably be housebroken and know the basic commands.